Friday, September 26, 2008

Want Ads and Review of Ch. 4

Note: A block missed this class because of House Trips (hence why there is no post from Thursday September 25th).

Today students learned about cell to cell junctions (tight, adhering and gap). Most of the class was spent creating want ads for cells. Below are some of what people came up with. See if you can guess what they are looking for (answers are at the bottom of this post).

1. Are you rough, tough and full of good stuff? (Ribosomes that is). We are looking for workers who can make things like proteins or even more membrane.

2. WANTED: Someone who loves the sun. If tanning is your thing this, my dear friend, is for you. Chill in the sun and help your community at the same time! A little photosynthesis here and there and all's good. Who said it wasn't easy being green?

3. New D Block Chapter of F.A.D.S. (Fibers Against Droopy Cells). A comprehensive and empowering support group. Come and help the fight. All welcome. President: Mr. Microfilament, V.President: Mrs. Intermediate Filament, Secretary: Mr. Microtubule.

Answers to the want ads:
1. The Rough ER
2. Chloroplasts
3. The Cytoskeleton

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