Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Acceptable Sources & Citations for Your Project

Today students worked on their projects and asked some of these questions:

Question: Can we use wikipedia?
Answer: No!

Question: What can we use?
Answer: Lots of other things, url's that end in ".edu" tend to be good because they are from educational institutions. See if you can find an author, make sure this site isn't some kid's middle school project.

Question: How do we cite things?
Answer: One option is to use citation machine another option is to look up how you do it using ONLINE! Citation Styles

1 comment:

tapneal said...


I came across your blog posts for your students. I wanted to mention that another popular alternative to citation machine is EasyBib. As one of the founders. Please let me know if you have any feedback.

Kind Regards,
Neal Taparia