Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Darwin's Finches Activity

For Wednesday D block and Thursday B block classes

In this simulation students become birds and are given "beak-types". After completing the activity, students will relate results to adaptations and natural selection.

As students work through this activity, they focused on the following questions

1. What is the relationship between beaks and seed-gathering?

2. Which beak(s) are the favored type(s)?

3. How does natural selection contribute to adaptation(s)?

4. Are the beaks at the end of the simulation the best-adapted ones?


Complete 1/2 page long responses that analyzes or interprets TWO of the following three quotes. TYPE your responses. Each response should be a 1/2 page single spaced.

1. Stephen J. Gould, " Ideal design is a lousy argument for evolution...Odd arrangements and funny solutions are proof of evolution."

2. Richard C. Lewontin, " The relationship between adaptation and natural selection does not go both ways. Whereas greater relative adaptation leads to natural selection, natural selection does not necessarily lead to greater adaptation."

3. Neil Campbell, "Of all the agents of microevolution that change the gene pool, only selection is likely to be adaptive."

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