Monday, January 17, 2011

Starting Genetics

Today we started chapter 11. Below are your homework problems. You do not need to write out the problems, just the answers.

A. For each genotype, indicate whether it is heterozygous (HE) or homozygous (HO)

1. AA ____
2. Bb ____
3. Cc ____
4. Dd ____

5. Ee ____
6. ff ____
7. GG ____
8. HH ____

B. For each of the genotypes below, determine the phenotype.

Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers
9. PP ___________________________
10. Pp ___________________________
11. pp ___________________________

Brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes
12. BB ___________________________
13. Bb ___________________________
14. bb ___________________________

C. For each phenotype, list the genotypes.

(Remember to use the letter of the dominant trait)

Straight hair is dominant to curly.
15. ____________ straight
16. ____________ straight
17. ____________ curly

Pointed heads are dominant to round heads.
18. ____________ pointed
19. ____________ pointed
20. ____________ round

D. Set up the square for each of the crosses listed below.

The trait being studied is round seeds (dominant) and wrinkled seeds (recessive)

21. Rr x rr

22. What percentage of the offspring will be round? ___________

23. Rr x Rr

24. What percentage of the offspring will be round? ___________

25. RR x Rr

26. What percentage of the offspring will be round? ___________

E. A TT (tall) plant is crossed with a tt (short plant).
What percentage of the offspring will be tall? ___________

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