Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Answer to Hardy-Weinberg Quiz

One out of 10,000 babies is born with PKU, a metabolic disease that causes mental retardation and other
problems. The disease is caused by a recessive allele.

What is the frequency of the genotype of the individuals in the population born with PKU?

What is the frequency of the recessive allele?

What is the frequency of the dominant allele?

What is the frequency of the carriers in the population.

What percentage of the population are carriers of the PKU allele?

Answer: One out of 10,000 babies is born with PKU, a metabolic disease that causes mental retardation and
other problems. The disease is caused by a recessive allele, and thus the frequency of the individuals in the
population born with PKU corresponds to q2 in the Hardy-Weinberg equation. Given one PKU occurrence per 10,000 births, q2=0.0001. The frequency of the recessive allele is 0.01 or 1%. Therefore, the frequency of the dominant allele is p=1-q or 0.99. The frequency of the carriers in the population is equal to 2pq or 2(.99)(0.01) =0.0198 or 1.98%. That means that about 2% of the population is carriers of the PKU allele.

Adopted from BiologyForLife

Quiz on Hardy-Weinberg & Evolutionary Arms Race Video

Today you had a short quiz on how to solve a Hardy-Weinberg problem.  D period shared their case studies on natural selection in mussels and crickets.  You can read about the mussels here and the crickets here.

We spent the remainder of the class watching PBS's Evolutionary Arms Race video from the Evolution series. You can find the website for the video here.

Below is a segment from the video (TB in Russian prisons)

Homework:  Tomorrow you will have a Harkness discussion on evolution.  Your prompt for the discussion is: Evolution is also called the 'unifying theory of biology.' What does this mean? Why do biologists find it nearly impossible to understand biology without understanding evolution?  What role does evolution play in our lives?

Prepare a notes sheet and at least three questions to ask as part of the discussion.  You will be graded on the notes, your questions and your participation in the discussion.

You can view the remainder of the video below:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Evolution Objectives - Week 2

Week 2: Objectives for Evolution
Modules: 70, 71

___________EV1. Define evolution _______

___________EV2. Outline the four types of evolution _______

__________ EV3. Outline the components required for natural selection ______

_________ EV4. Calculate fitness and changes to fitness using mathematical models. _______

_________EV5. Explain the relationship between mutation, adaptation and natural selection. Give an example in your answer. ________

________EV6. Identify examples of physical and behavioral adaptations in a diverse group of organisms.  _______

__________EV7 . Explain two examples of evolution in response to environmental change; one must be antibiotic resistance in bacteria ______
_______EV8. Discuss the definition of the term species _______
_______ EV9. Describe three examples of barriers between gene pools ________
_______ EV10. Compare convergent and divergent evolution. _________

Population Genetics Objectives - Week 1

Week 1: Population Genetics:

________ PG.1. Explain how a change in allele frequency is evolution.

________ PG. 2 Describe different mechanisms by which allele frequencies can change, including natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow.

________PG. 3 Differentiate among stabilizing, disruptive, and directional selection.

________ PG 4. Give an example for each type of selection and explain how this example illustrates that type of selection.

________ PG 5. Compare founder effect and bottleneck effect

________ PG 6. State the assumptions made when the Hardy–Weinberg equation is used.

________PG 7 Describe the assumptions that underlie the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and also the conditions under which the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium applies.

_______PG 8 Calculate allele, genotype and phenotype frequencies for two alleles of a gene, using the Hardy–Weinberg equation.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hardy-Weinberg Gizmo and Practice Problems

Today (or tomorrow) in class you will spend the first half of class working on an ExploreLearning Gizmo. D period please bring a computer to class tomorrow (C period, you will be working in the computer lab).

The notes you take in the gizmo packet are for you.  You will receive a grade on the five assessment questions at the end of the gizmo, those questions must be completed in class.

In the second half of class you were given a set of Hardy-Weinberg practice problems to work on in small groups.

Homework: Read module 70 and take notes for a short reading quiz at the start of class on Monday.  There are no labs next week, so you have no prelab questions to answer.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Types of Selection and Starting Hardy-Weinberg

Today you had your first homework reading quiz and we reviewed the different types of selection.

We also discussed the principle of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.  Click the picture below to link to the tutorial from PH School that we used in class (the one with the pigs).

For homework read module 69 and take notes, pay attention to the highlighted notes in the text.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Welcome Back!

You have been emailed the population genetics objectives as well as a week by week syllabus for the term.  You will be able to see when all of your tests are planned for.

Tonight for homework please read module 67.  Use the population objectives 1-5 to guide your reading.  (

You will have a five minute quiz at the start of class tomorrow.  Any notes you take you can use.

In the next few days I will be putting up the daily plan google doc.