Thursday, April 30, 2009

Test Today & Tomorrow for A and D blocks (Monday for C block)

Here's the breakdown of the test:

25 Multiple choice (2 points each)
15 labeling (2 points each)
4 short answer (10 points total)
1 open response (10 points)

Total Points: 100

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Upcoming class schedule

In an effort to keep track of everything (especially with AP exams) here is a schedule for the next few weeks.

If you have an AP exam on a day that we have class YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING UP THE MISSED WORK. I am happy to meet with you to go over what you missed. YOU ARE ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR EMAILING ME AND LETTING ME KNOW WHICH CLASSES YOU WILL MISS.

4/29 Wednesday: A & D block "bonus" class will watch THE HUMAN FACE (parts 3 and 2 respectively).

4/30 Thursday:
Chapter 20 test (A block)

5/1 Friday:
Chapter 20 test (D block)

Finish chapter 20 (C block)

5/2 Saturday: no classes because of SATs

5/4 Monday:
Human Digestion 21.4-21.11 (A block)
Test on Chapter 20 (C block)
Human Digestion 21.4-21.11 (D block)

5/5 Tuesday
Human Digestion 21.4-21.11 (C block)
Diets, Digestive Adaptations & Nutrition (A block)
Diets, Digestive Adaptations & Nutrition (D block)

5/6 Wednesday: Lab
Intro to plant parts and identification

5/7 Thursday
Fad Diets (A block)

5/8 Friday
Fad Diets (D block)
Diets, Digestive Adaptations & Nutrition (C block)

5/9 Saturday: Lab
A & D blocks
Intro to plant parts and identification

5/11 Monday:
Test on Chapter 21 for all classes

5/12 Tuesday:
Start chapter 31: plants.


Today we started chapter 21 (Digestion) by learning about the two overall methods for how organisms obtain nutrients: ingestion and absorption. We spent most of the time talking about ingestion.

Here's a quick review:

Three categories for WHAT organisms eat: herbivore, omnivore, carnivore

Four categories for HOW organisms (that use ingestion) eat: suspension feeders, substrate feeders, fluid feeders and bulk feeders.

Watch the video below for a detailed explanation of what happens in digestion.

Homework: none

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sections 23.2-23.7

Today A and D blocks took notes on sections 23.2 through 23.7. In addition to taking notes, they saw pictures of open heart surgery and watched a video of open heart surgery.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fetal Pig Dissection

Yesterday and today students conducted a dissection of a fetal pig. On Monday all classes began by making an incision along the pig's abdomen and opening up the rib cage by cutting on either side of the sternum. A & D blocks finished with their pigs by removing the digestive, excretory, respiratory and circulatory systems. Students looked at the organs using a dissecting scope. Some students elected to remove the brain of their pigs (Charlotte and Sam/Cammie's groups were very successful).

C block will finish with the dissection during lab tomorrow. There will be a pop-ish quiz on the dissection (identifying parts AND their functions).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lab 13: Fetal Pig Dissection Prelab

This is due at the start of class for all blocks
on Monday April 13th.

Go this website for a series of pictures that walk you through the organs & organ functions of the fetal pig.

Look at each picture, move your mouse over the organs and click each time the pointer turns into a hand. Take HAND WRITTEN notes in your lab notebook for body part (what does the part do?). I have listed the slide numbers and all of the organs on each picture so that you don’t miss any

Picture 1: Intro picture, nothing identified

Picture 2: Stomach, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine

Picture 3: Heart (no description given) lungs, diaphragm, liver

Picture 4: The vessels (numbers 1-7)

Picture 5: Posterior vena cava, aorta, pulmonary artery

Chapter 20 Test

Today and tomorrow there is a test on chapter 20. Here is the breakdown of the test:

19 multiple choice questions (1 point each)
1 true false (1 point each)
50 labeling (1 point each)
2 short answer (10 points total)

the human FACE

On Wednesday and Saturday of the this week we are watching Part 1: Face to Face of the BBC documentary, the human FACE.

As students watch the film they will answer the following questions:

Why don’t crocodiles need multiple facial expressions?

How many facial expressions do humans create?

How many muscles are in the face?

Are the muscles attached to the bones of the face?

What is mobius syndrome and what are the symptoms?

Describe the surgery for mobius syndrome.

What really matters when couples argue?

What is the Darwin grief muscle?

What emotion is one of the greatest indicators of infections diseases?

What are the physiological symptoms arguing?

In what part of the brain is fear recognized?

What happens what John Clease sees the fear faces in the MRI?

What are the symptoms of Aspergers? What happens to the man’s brain when he is shown fear faces?

What can smiling in a single photograph indicate? How did college year book photos relate to happiness later in life?

What are the two muscles which are central to smiling?

What is facial expression so important in social groups? Why did it evolve?

What do secret service agents know about lying that nobody else does?

What is a micro-expression?

What culture teaches people to hide their facial expressions? What is the point?

What is Kismet and what was the point of building it?

Why doesn’t road rage happen to pedestrians?

What is the benefit of seeing people face to face?

What does laughter help you to do?

Does the body know the difference between forced laughter and genuine laughter?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

C block disorders

C block researched the following disorders/conditions:

Peptic Ulcers
Thyroid disease
Histoplasmosis (disseminated)

A block disorders

A Block post your disorders here.

D block Disorders

D Block researched the following disorders/conditions

Ebola Virus
Turrets Syndrome
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Ovarian Cancer

Monday, April 6, 2009

Short Research on Disorders

In class assignment for Tuesday:

Working with a partner, you will research a disorder for one of the systems of the body. You will submit your write up as a comment on one of the posts above.

In your write up you should include:
The name of the disease/disorder
The system it affects
A summary of the disease
Who it affects
A link to a picture for the disease
Citations for 3 sources for where you got your information.


Class Tuesday

Tomorrow you will be doing research on a disorder of one of the body systems. Please bring a laptop to class if you have one, if you do not have a laptop please bring your text book.

Chapter 20 Test

What do you need to know for this test on Thursday (A block) or Friday (D and C blocks)?

You need to know....

* The hierarchy of animal structure (cellular --> organismal)
* 4 types of epithelial tissue and where each type can be found
* 6 types of connective tissue and what each is composed of
* 3 types of muscle tissue and where each is in the body
* Structure and function of neurons
* The 10 body systems, the overall function of each system and the major components of each system.
* The relationship between homeostasis and negative feedback loops
* These 20 bones and these 14 muscles/tendons

Bones you need to know for the test

These are the bones you need to know for the test. This is the same picture from the worksheet you have from the beginning of the unit.

1 cranium, skull

2 mandible

3 clavicle

4 sternum

5 humerus

6 rib

7 vertebra

8 INSTEAD OF PELVIS – use ilium

9 radius

10 ulna

11 carpals

12 metacarpals

13 phalanges

14 femur

15 patella

16 tibia

17 fibula

18 tarsals

19 metatarsals

20 phalanges

Muscles you need to know for the test

These are the muscles you need to know for the test. You should know the name of the muscle, where the muscle is located and if given a picture of an exercise what muscles would be used.

Homeostasis & Review

Today A & D blocks wrapped up chapter 20 with homeostasis and started a review, which they will finish tomorrow. C block completed the first half of chapter 20 (C block did the 2nd half of chapter 20, first).

Homework: If you didn't like the way your team performed in the review, I suggest studying before class tomorrow. The Jeopardy PowerPoint will be posted on the blackboard if you would like to download it on Wednesday after C block.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sections 20.7-20.10

We keep moving along with the body systems. Yesterday and today we focused on:

20.7: Nervous tissue forms a communication network
20.8: Several tissues are organized to form an organ
20.9: The body is a cooperative of organ systems
*** While this section is only two pages, it is VERY dense.***
20.10: New imaging technology reveals the inner body

Homework for Monday: Read section 20.9 and be able to summarize the purpose/function of each of the body systems listed.

Lab 12: Fitness

What major muscle is this guy working?

a) legs
b) quads
c) Rectus femoris

By the end of this week's lab, you'll chose "C."

Homework from lab: Look up the scientific names for the muscle groups that you worked at each machine.