Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lab this Week

Since we are studying Anatomy & Physiology we're going to be examining our own physiology. We will be having lab in the AFC this week.

We will meet in the cage. You need to be dressed in athletic clothes and wear sneakers. Bring a water bottle.

In the Womb: Multiples

Saturday, Monday and Tuesday we have been watching In the Womb: Multiples, a National Geographic video.

Did you know...
  • About 95 percent of all multiple births in the United States are twins.

  • 34 out of every 1,000 births in the United States are multiples.

  • Between 1980 and 1998, the rate of triplets and higher order births in the United States increased by 400 percent. In recent years, this rate has been more stable.

  • A woman has an estimated one in 64 million chance of conceiving identical quads.

  • Women reaching the end of their reproductive years are more likely to have a multiple pregnancy.

  • The window for an egg splitting to form identical twins is very short. If the egg doesn’t split into two separate but identical eggs within the first 14 days after conception, it never will.

  • The record number of fetuses in a human womb at one time is 15.

  • It’s estimated that for every 400 sets of fraternal twins, one set is made up of twins who will have different fathers.

  • At birth, single babies on average weigh more than twins.

  • Some fetuses spend the first trimester of pregnancy with a companion that later disappears—a phenomenon called the “vanishing twin syndrome.”

  • Movements such as kicking, pushing, and what looks like kissing are all documented in twins.

  • Interaction between twins may be beneficial, helping to accelerate their development.

  • About half of twins are delivered by Caesarean section (or C-section).
To learn more go to the video's website.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Anatomy & Physiology

Yesterday and today we are starting our unit on anatomy & the body systems. Students took a pre-test on twenty of the major bones in the human body, answered Bone Trivia, learned the basics of anatomical planes and brainstormed what they know about various body systems (parts & functions).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Constructing a Geologic Time Line

Today students will be constructing a geologic time line to visual just how insignificant we really are in the grand scheme of life on earth. This activity is a combination of activities from the UW-Madison Geology Museum and a lab from Glenbrook South High School.

Click here for a great virtual time line

Lab Follow Up:

Read sections 16.1-16.2 and look up the following organisms/events. You may use your book or look them up online. Take notes on these events as you will have a short quiz on them in the next class period.

Cambrian explosion

Permian period mass extinction





Time (Millions of years ago) Event

Write all of the following events above the line
4600 Formation of the approximately homogeneous solid Earth 4300 Atmospheric water is broken down by ultraviolet light to give off oxygen atoms which are incorporated into an ozone layer and hydrogen molecules which escape into space
3800 The Earth's crust solidifies---formation of the oldest rocks found on Earth
3800 Condensation of atmospheric water into oceans
3500--2800 Prokaryotic cell organisms develop
3500--2800 Beginning of photosynthesis by blue-green algae which releases oxygen molecules into the atmosphere and steadily works to strengthen the ozone layer and change the Earth's chemically reducing atmosphere into a chemically oxidizing one
1500 Eukaryotic cell organisms develop
1500--600 Rise of multicellular organisms (Cambrian explosion) 545 Cambrian explosion of hard-bodied organisms

Write every other event below the line
500--450 Rise of the fish---first vertebrates
430 Waxy coated algae begin to live on land
420 Millipedes have evolved---first land animals
375 The Appalachian mountains are formed via a plate tectonic collision between North America, Africa, and Europe
375 Appearance of primitive sharks
350--300 Rise of the amphibians
350 Primitive insects have evolved
350 Primitive ferns evolve---first plants with roots
300--200 Rise of the reptiles
300 Winged insects have evolved
280 Beetles and weevils have evolved
250 Permian period mass extinction
230 Roaches and termites have evolved
225 Modern ferns have evolved
225 Bees have evolved
200 Pangaea starts to break apart
200 Primitive crocodiles have evolved
200 Appearance of mammals
145 Archaeopteryx walks the Earth
136 Primitive kangaroos have evolved
100 Primitive cranes have evolved
90 Modern sharks have evolved
65 The Chicxulub impact occurs
65 K-T Boundary---extinction of the dinosaurs and beginning of the reign of mammals
60 Rats, mice, and squirrels have evolved
60 Herons and storks have evolved
55 Rabbits and hares have evolved
50 Primitive monkeys have evolved
28 Koalas have evolved
20 Parrots and pigeons have evolved
20--12 The chimpanzee and hominid lines evolve
4 Development of hominid bipedalism
4--1 Australopithecus exist
3.5 The Australopithecus Lucy walks the Earth
2 Widespread use of stone tools
2--0.01 Most recent ice age
1.6--0.2 Homo erectus exist
1--0.5 Homo erectus tames fire
0.2--0.03 Homo sapiens neanderthalensis exist
0.05--0 Homo sapiens sapiens exist
0.04--0.012Homo sapiens sapiens enter Australia from southeastern Asia and North America from northeastern Asia
0.025--0.01 Most recent glaciation---an ice sheet covers much of the northern United States
0.017 Homo sapiens sapiens paint the Lascaux cave
0.01 First permanent homo sapiens sapiens settlements
0.01 Homo sapiens sapiens learn to use fire to cast copper and harden pottery
0.006 Writing is developed in Sumeria
0.0046 Oldest known Pine tree starts to grow

Mount Vesuvius eruption destroys Pompeii, A.D. 79 First U.S. satellite orbited, 1958
First man on moon, 1969
The year you began high school.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blind Watchmaker Applet

Below are some of the Biomorphs that students made in class today (unfortunately C block is not represented here, because I couldn't figure out how to make a screen shot in the computers in 212). Click on any picture to make it larger. All of these images started with the same basic population (figure 1 below) and the same genes:
  • genes 1-8 control the overall shape of the biomorph,
  • gene 9 the depth of recursion,
  • genes 10-12 the colour of the biomorph,
  • gene 13 the number of segmentations,
  • gene 14 the size of the separation of the segments,
  • gene 15 the shape used to draw the biomorph (line, oval, rectangle, etc).

Figure 1 (above)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Welcome Back!

Today we only have 20 minute block classes so to get us started, we're going to see what you remember from the last few weeks of winter term. We will be doing a quick review of chapters 13-15 to prepare us for macroevolution.

Homework: Posted on Blackboard is chapter 3 from Richard Dawkin's book, The Blind Watchmaker. For homework on Monday March 23 (due in class on Tuesday March 24) you need to read pages 43 through the end of the second paragraph on page 51 and answer the PART A questions you were given in class. On Tuesday in class we will be discussing your answers and you will be finishing the reading. Please either print out 51-74 or bring your computer to class so that you may read the PDF online.

Monday, March 2, 2009

March Break!

Happy vacation everyone. I hope you all have a chance for some much needed rest, you earned it!