Syllabus for Biology
Instructor: Ms. Saxe
Office Hours: (see below)
Required Materials:
1.Textbook: Biology Concepts and Connections Campbell, Reece, Mitchell and Taylor 4th Edition. New or used book is fine.
2. Lab Notebook: A marble bound notebook with graph paper. If you can not find one with graph paper, regular lined paper is acceptable. This should be separate from the notebook you use for class. Format will be outlined.
3. Class Notebook: A three ring binder (1”-2” is the best). This notebook is for biology only and you will be keeping all of your work for the entire year in this notebook. Please do not ask if you can throw things out. You must also have a table of contents.
Basis for your Marking Period Grade in this course - Evaluation:
The grade you earn in this course will be determined by the quality of your work in the following areas:
1. Laboratory Reports and your technique/understanding in the Lab
2. Chapter and/or Unit Tests - usually given every other week
3. Special Projects
4. Class participation and preparedness
5. Homework & Quizzes
The weights for each section will be posted in the right sidebar by 9.10.08
NOTE: Students should familiarize themselves with the Division’s study skill strategies. This information is described on the second page of your Academic Calendar. Students are also expected to do all their work in accordance with the SPS Honor Code which is posted in all classrooms and in school buildings.
Homework: Homework will be incorporated into the following day’s class. A late assignment defeats the purpose of completing it. Therefore, late homework will not be accepted and will be graded as a zero.
Make-up Work: You are responsible for obtaining missed assignments. If you know in you will be missing class for co-curriculars, an appointment etc. you should notify me in advance.
Late Work Policy: As previously stated, late homework is not accepted. The late project policy will be posted when a project is due.
Extensions: Extensions will not be given except in the event of extenuating circumstances, so plan your time wisely.
Bags: Attendance is mandatory at all class meetings. Additionally, if you are 10 minutes late (or more) to class you will receive a bag.
Class participation: In order to make the most progress in this class you will need to participate actively. Participating in class not only means sharing your ideas but also coming prepared and on time.
Office Hours: I do not have regularly scheduled office hours. If you need help please email me and we will find a time that works for both of us. Please do not come in and say “I don’t get it,” rather bring specific questions. Also note that asking “what will be on the test” is not an appropriate use of office hours.
Class Rules:
· BE PREPARED! Bring the your notebook, highlighters and pens/pencils each day. I do not require that you bring the textbook every day. If you need it, I will post it on the blog.
· BE PRESENT! Both in mind and body. Showing up for class doesn’t mean much if you are daydreaming.
· If you bag class on the day of a test or quiz you will receive a zero.
· As soon as you need extra help, come find me. Don’t wait!
· NO eating or chewing gum in class. You may bring water.
Lab Expectations:
There is no food or drinks (including water) allowed in the lab at any time.
Your lab grade will be based on:
- Preparation: You need to read and understand any materials prior to coming to lab.
- Pre-Lab: You may be required to write a pre-lab. Failure to complete this will mean that you are unable to participate in the lab and will receive a zero.
- Lab Procedure and Conduct: You are expected to stay on task and work carefully throughout the lab.
- Results: Careful work should lead to accurate results. Results should be obtained individually or within a lab group. “Borrowing” another lab group’s results is a form of plagiarism and the matter will be dealt with through the academic studies office.
- Lab Reports: When assigned, the write-ups will be due shortly after the lab is finished. Lab reports can count as a homework, quiz or test grade. Students will know in advance what the lab will count for.
Once you have read the syllabus, click on "comments" to sign your name, acknowledging that you have read this. Additionally, please write what block you are in. For example, I if were a student in A block, I would write:
Ilana S. , A block